Sneak Peak at 3 New Tracked Platforms for 2007

We built a prototype track platform about 2 years ago that was 5 feet long with 8" wide tracks. The platform was designed for engaging a firing line with mortars and percussion gernades. The weapons system has been put on hold to work on MARV first but we have sold 2 platforms privately.

A couple months ago I talked to a rubber manufacturer and got him to mock up a set of 6" wide tracks for a smaller version only 4 feet long. So lately a coworker has been working on the chassis prototypes for 2 smaller sizes to make available to the public.

The larger model is not available for sale. But the 2 smaller versions will be.
The large one is 5 feet long, 14" tall, 9" wide tracks, 390 lbs, and tops out at 40 km/h.
The Medium sized one is 4 feet long, 6" wide tracks and 7" tall. 180 lbs
The small one will be 3 feet long, 4" wide tracks and 5" tall. 80 lbs

The big one was constructed with 1" bulletproof Kevlar-sandwiched Lexan, Kevlar/Rubber track, Aluminum and Titanium. The smaller 2 will be built with a similar bullet resistant Poly Sheet and aluminum with 3 adjustable suspension idlers on each track and 30 deg of articulation.

These track systems will not be made in smaller versions than the 3 foot model. I feel that anything smaller and it would make more sense to use the lynxmotion track system of Jim’s. These models will be much more expensive at the luxury of having a bullet-proof Rover that can pull a small car. :slight_smile: These obviously won’t be for everyone.

I’ll post the full specs when I get some time. Here are some of the CAD files off my work computer.

That looks nice! do you know around what price they will be and the speed of the smaller ones? I guess pretty expensive, just with the tracks and motors :laughing: 8)

I don’t think price has been determined yet. The medium one is almost built and the smaller one will be next.

The medium model is powered by 2 X C40 Mag Motors with custom belt drives. The speed will be dependant on the reduction we use but right now it’s looking like around 30km/h with more than 30ft/lbs of torque. We can go slower and have alot of excess power. It will depend on what we find works best.

The smaller one I’m not sure of. I just designed it and someone else is mocking up the prototype for that one. I’ll check with him to see if he has decided on a reduction ratio yet. I know we’re using NPC motors for the Smaller version.

I’m thinking somewhere in the range of $2500 to $3000 for the smaller version with motors, chassis and Dual Motor controllers.

The track assemblies themselves would be around $300 to $400 each without chassis or motor.

The Medium sized Model will be close to $8000 complete with motors and controllers.
The track assemblies alone would be close to $800 a piece.

The motor, gear reductions and belt drive are integrated into the back panel on the Track Module so one could buy 2 track modules to build their own chassis to mount them on. The Chassis is alot of money to make because there is alot of cutting and expensive material. If one wanted to build their own chassis out of wood or metal, they could do so alot cheaper.

Very stylish. A futuristic look I would say 8)

Here are some closer pics of the tracks alone.

Could you do a non-bullet proof stripped down version for the hobbiest?

$3000 is a little (or a lot) too rich for me.

that not expensive :open_mouth:

lol, idk, maybe if im looking for some REALLY bad ass tracks ill come to you, otherwise, u can keep them :laughing:

I’m focusing on building the 2 smaller platforms first. The same assemblies could be built using cheaper materials but the problem lies in custom fabrication. To have the tracks custom made, is very expensive. Not to mention that the matching drive sprockets and idlers are custom made, as well as the components, control arms, suspension system, shock and coils are all also custom made by us. These things add up fast. The prototype is usually worth more than what we sell the ones we make afterwards for because to have a new part fabricated for the first time is expensive and time consuming.

For someone looking for a durable track design close to the size of the smallest model, I strongly recommend the lynxmotion tracks. Jim’s real close with having his modular track systems out and will probably have them available before these models are. I’m aiming to produce tracked rovers in a size range not commonly available for alot less than it would cost to custom fabricate them yourself. $3000 is actually very cheap. The company that makes the tracks for the Swords Military Rovers wanted over $2000 PER track. Just for the rubber. So I designed my own.

$3000 for a track system that includes 2 Custom Built Track Modules, a chassis, $200 in motors, $300 in drivetrain parts, and $400 in motor controllers, isn’t bad at all.

I guess. :cry: [size=200]$2000 a track! :unamused:[/size]

The robot is VERY COOL BUT THE PRICE IS :unamused: lets say expensive :wink:

WOW! I like the suspention system! very nice! 2000$ bucks a track is… costy :laughing:

Oh, sure. Just watch - you get a non-bulletproof version, and the first time you take the thing for a test-drive, someone’ll be taking pot shots at your robot.

It’ll all end in tears, I just know it! :wink:

and then all of your bots will have 5’’ thick bulletproff shell with reinfroced titanuin by the tone and some self defence weapons on it… :laughing:

Man, I love the design. :open_mouth: Not priced anywhere near hobby/ research use, but I can easily see how something like that could find many welcome places with the police, military, as well as in Hollywood (they do look very futuristic). Nice work and I think I speak for everyone here when I say I wish I could have your job, well okay…maybe not Jim. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jim’s a millionaire :laughing:

Lol. I was going for the instead of a few nice big bots, as many smaller bots as I’d ever want angle.

I would love to be a millionaire…wouldnt you?? Just thinking about it… :open_mouth:

cookies anyone?? :smiley:

I see this is quickly becoming one of those threads… :smiley:

Though while I’m sure Lynx is doing well, I kinda doubt Jim is hitting up the clubs with Paris and Linsay and jetsetting to power lunches and all the other sterotypical millionaire things. Although maybe he does have some kind of secret ‘other’ life we normal folk are not ment to know… 8)

Hey, when a guy’s got robots… :smiley:

[size=59]ummmm ya, this is beginning to turn into one of THOSE threads… :open_mouth: [/size]

Thanks for the compliments guys. I was going for something that looked a bit different than the others.

My job isn’t that great. Long hours and no days off. A lot of stress to boot. That’s my day job anyways. I don’t run EMT full time. Well…I do but I also have a full time job that takes up about 10 to 12 hours a day in Summer. In winter, usually only about 8 hours a day. I do the robot and R/c stuff outside of work. I have managed to smurge a couple robots into work related things allowing me to slowly integrate new technology into my own job and hopefully merge the 2 companies into one some day. I’m currently doing my daily duties plus starting up a new division of the company that will basically be run by my company, EMT. It’s in the works.

Hopefully some day I will take the plunge from part time production to full time and get to produce my designs full time on a larger scale. That’s my hope anyways. I’ve invested every dollar I’ve had for the last 6 years into my prototypes.
Winning the lottery would be nice, but not as nice as earning every penny. :slight_smile: