I have a project in which I am using a few HT1 smart servos.
I intend to use them in a radio control project, it seems that I need to hook them up to my computer in order to change the mode. I need to get them in to radio control mode
It seems that the smart servos have not come with any way to attach directly to the computer to enable programming.
I am looking to see what sort of adapter I need in order to interface with my PC so that I can enable programming.
I see that there are lots of boards that divides of things but I was curious if there is a adapter I could buy locally or if it is an adapter that I need specifically from robot shop and what that adapter is.
I have to say I’m a little disappointed that somebody can buy $600 in servos from robot shop and it doesn’t even suggest at the bottom that I pick up the adapter which enables programming.
Again, all I really want is to get these servos so that they will respond to radio control, currently none of them are in the proper mode, and it seems that I need the cable in order to do so.
Or you could also use a serial to USB adapter to connect it to your computer or you could program a microcontroller to send the commands through serial.
Hello, I started using the button menu, but I saw your suggestion about using the interface board to program the servo using lss config.
I am trying to use lss config and the board you suggested, but I am having great difficulty getting it to recognize/interact with the servo.
I am in the correct port, but when I try to connect, it says that either I have a defective lss at that location or two more lss is with the location.
It says to look for Læssø with blinking red LED by the LED on my LSS is not lighting up for any reason having to do with connection with the computer.
The issue could be that you are trying to configure them all at once. The interface uses the servo’s IDs to identify them, the default ID for the servos is 0. Try connecting them one at a time and configuring the ID, once the servos have different IDs you can connect them all and configure them separately.
However, as dialfonzo mentioned, if your servos are in RC mode they will not be able to communicate with the interface.