Smart remote vehicle for kids

This platform was built for segway years ago but not working very well, so I decide to remake this into a go-cart type of toy for kids. However, These 2 motors are way powerful for little kid to control. It's not very wise for them to control by himself. After while, I leave it in dust for more than a year and my wife start complain this just waste space in garage. If I don't do something, she is going to get it out of my house either just dump it or donate it away. Deadline will be before this halloween.

Fine!! Even I hate been push for detail coding, at least I can turn it to a big RC temporary just to save it, for now.

Here is the list I use in electronic parts:

  • 2 scooter motor - 24V 240W
  • Sabertooth motor controller
  • 12V 5200mAh LiPo
  • 2.4Ghz 6ch remote controller from hobbyking

^^^^^ [Sabertooth 12A motor controller] ^^^^^
vvvvv [my1016 24V-240W motor] vvvvv


The rest of hardware are basically wood made hand craft and some #25 sprokets and chains from local metal stores.

It's easier for my to explain in pictures:

Lawn Mower wheels and motors with #25 sprockets and chains.(I remove the leadAcid battery, too heavy.)

I was using arduino 2560 and custom made controller to handle everything.
The sabertooth controller in middle is very easy to use and powerful motor controller. (highly recommand, a bit pricy thou)

Some wooden work, not very professional :P

Some paint job and decoration:

It's not done yet but at least it moves so it won't be send away.

I will add more sensors and replace the arduino back for smart control later.

  • Control method: Radio control while developing

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Somehow, your project reminded me of that cool video a saw a while ago:


your project is great and it reminds me my work keep it up