Sir Golden-Tail 4.2


Hey Y'all,


Well, this is Sir Golden-Tail. SIR Golden-Tail. Not Golden-Tail, or Sir Gold, Its SIR GOLDEN-TAIL!!!!


In fact, me and my friebd had a bet: If I placed seventh or highr (because we had never even placed before) in the robotics competition with it, he would call it Sir Golden-Tail. But, any lower, we had to promise to call it Golden-Butt.


But, we won second! Yay.


Well, Let me explain what I mean.


This robot started out like a funky-looking robot made from scraps. It got its name from the origional gold-colored strip of metal bent into a swirl to serve as the back wheel.


It must lift up coins, batteries, and balls and legos into a can in an obstical course. This is year two for us. The first robot was a VERY heavy monsterous robot, 30x30x20 cm. It had a giant robot-hand. The hand stunk. This one was Sir Golden-Tail3.5 (I have no photos, sorry).


The current version is 4.2. It has a bucket instead of a hand. It is much lighter and snazzier (???).


Here are the current features:


-Two wheels

-One back wheel


-Pan to collect objects

-Vibrating motor to shake them off into the bucket

-Bristles to move around object

-"Panic Button" to violently shake the robot if anything gets stuck (may compromise structural integrity)

-Interesting lighting effect when arm is activated

-Funny victory music

-Neat-o paint job


Old 3.5 Features:




-3 Wheels


See the video for a short demo (must unzip first)!


Thanks for looking!

Collect small objects and move around obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: Gearbox Motors
  • Control method: Controlled
  • CPU: none
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 9V
  • Programming language: none
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice Efforts. Is this robot

Nice Efforts. Is this robot for a botball???