Simple Robot and It will be growing on projects... LOL

This is my first project. After looking for simple low cost budget (:LOL), I've an idea to put 2 servos as legs.


First thing first

1. Put nut(s) as Leg on each servo 









2. Joining two servos (just try this at home.. LOL)... 










3. Code with Arduino IDE. Just use standard servo code. I change code with 0-80 degrees and make both of them opposite .. 


2 servos and growing

  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Operating system: Ubuntu Linux
  • Programming language: C

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great Job!

Wow, I feel stupid for not coming up with this idea. But great job and welcome to LMR!
You posted a very informative and detailed “post”. This is awesome! 


**Gee Thanks… **

Gee Thanks… 

welcome to LMR!

nice first robot! i remembered my first robot…it’s not even considered a robot :stuck_out_tongue: just a motor connected to batteries, added a face, and that was it :slight_smile:

Welcome to LMR dude. This

Welcome to LMR dude. This reminds me n my 4-legged robot Keep going and make him dance :slight_smile:

look into BEAM robots, there

look into BEAM robots, there are many walkers using only 2 servos.
apparently the trick is having 1 servo at about 45 degrees relative to the other.

Very nice. Now try

Very nice. Now try experimenting with different walking gaits and manuvers. See if you can get your robot to turn, to back up, to dance!