Simple Drifting robot

This is a small hack I made for a Make video.

The code is attached above :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice episode, Frits!

Nice episode, Frits!

Too cool

Great video and Wow it responds very well and does a great job of doing it’s thing. I love hacks and mods!


  • Totally worth the month of wait for a video!
  • To clarify, your pseudocode is to go forward/ turn right when there is nothing in front, and then drift left when an obstacle is in front? 
  • I have a robot that I made from a toy, and I found that it goes to fast, 10 km/h, How can I fix that, if I go too low with PWM, the robot won’t always start moving from the stopped position. I think I should find a way to add more torque to my robot.


Another thought

use a slightly higher pwm to start and then drop it down once the vehicle is moving.

Changing the PWM frequency

Changing the PWM frequency may also help. Lower frequency means wider and longer pulses, which may help at low speeds. You may have to play with the frequency to tune to your motors.


I’ll have to try that soon. Thanks.

You made it to the front

You made it to the front page of tech page. Congrats sir!!!


I finally got the robot slow enough! I used 60ish % PWM and it was rolling smooth. Also, there was a 75millisecond coasting time. Thanks, you guys rock!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Very nice!

I enjoyed that a lot… yet another one to add to my list of robots I wanna make :slight_smile:

Frits: which oscilloscope was that you were using? Is that the DSO Quad available on Or some funky app on your phone?


Thanks :)It’s the DSO Nano -

Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s the DSO Nano - first version - from Seed Studio. You can get it cheaper with the ALABTU code :slight_smile:

can u upload pdf from of

can u upload pdf from of this robot?

thanking you.

thats awesome! Normally

thats awesome!  Normally robots move slow and boring- not this! 

Can I … What?

Can I … What?