Simple drawing arm

this is my first try to build a drawing is a very simple 3dof arm,including 3 standard servos(one for pen up/down) and a arduino is arduino&processing.

i try to use it decode some mathematical curve,so much fun.the primary image is archimedes spiral.the below is descartes to princess's letter: r=a(1-sinθ).the machine drawing three times,you can see some offset at the same point because the servo issues.



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Instead of servos, i’d use small 5v steppers motors like the 28BYJ-48.
Then use a 3d pen instead as a normal pen:)
Or a multicolor pen!

Servo jittery can be eased by adding a counterweight, drawing near the base and reducing weight of the arm.

really nice. I’m waiting for

really nice. I’m waiting for more

Why stepper motors instead of servos?


could you also add what advantage stepper motors would have compared to servos in this project?