Silent Robot Kit for Indoor Use


I’m using the DFRobotShop Rover V2 for an indoor project. … c-kit.html

However the gears are way too noisy. That disturbs people working there.

Is there any equally good robot kit which is noiseless? **It has to be sufficiently strong to carry an iPhone on top.

You can add grease to the gears and close the open ends so the grease does not come out. It will help quite a lot, but it won’t be completely silent though.
Planetary gears are more efficient than spur gears and as such generate less heat and noise. You can see our selection of wheeled and tracked robots here: … forms.html
Unfortunately almost none of the platforms have a decibel rating, so we cannot provide much information about the sound.
The DFRobotShop Rover is not the quietest of platforms given that the gearbox is open. … c-kit.html