Should be an easy question to answer

Hello - I have a question that hopefully will be easy for someone to answer. I am looking for a motor to power a simple arm mechanism. Basically, I need one that can be activate by the push of a button, rotate 180 degrees, and stop. The push of another buttom would rotate the motor 180 degrees in reverse (or an additional 180 degrees, and stop. The weight of the arm it woul dbe lifting is less that .25 lbs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hello @TDArms!

Unfortunately, there are no out-of-the-box solution for your problem.
You will need a motor with an encoder or a servomotor hooked to a microcontroller and a motor controller if you choose a regular motor rather than a servo.
I suggest that you read on the subject:

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I have previously done robotic projects that involve motors and mainly used servo motors. I have particularly used Grove - Servo by Seeedstudio in my projects along with the Base Shield V2. It’s very easy to get started with their products for prototyping and they have quality products with better documentation.
Also, you could alternatively use a regular DC motor along with a motor driver and a microcontroller.
Grove - I2C Mini Motor Driver
Grove - I2C Motor Driver (TB6612FNG)

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Sure, no problem!

I simply need to know how much the arm itself weighs and how long it is to calculate the proper torque of the motor.

Also, how fast do you need it to be?

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