Shapeoko 4 XXL X Axis lagging

Hi everyone,

I am having trouble with my Shapeoko 4 XXL. Since I am new to this and I bought the machine 2 months ago, my troubleshooting skills are limited and was hoping you guys could help.

Problem occurred few days ago as I was trying to initialize the machine. First of all, the Z-Axis performed well and went straight up, but afterwards as X and Y Axis were simultaneously driving the router in upper right corner, the X-Axis started to lag and produce some weird noises. X Axis was driving uncontrolled right and left and it seemed as it has just stuck over there. Where the Y-Axis performed regularly.

My first thought was that the belt was loose or too tight, therefore I adjusted it properly (according to manual)
When I move the router with my hand it seems to have no obstacles and it moves smoothly.
I have also recorded a Video of it and I uploaded it to youtube. You can check it out here:

I am very grateful for any support.
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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Hello @edoliny ,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Shapeoko machine.

To better assist you, we will forward you now to our internal support.

You will be contacted shortly via email with further instructions.


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