Shaking forearm


Today my Lynxmotion arm started to shake (a lot!) to a point that it became un-usable.

See this video:

I disconnected the USB cable from the controller board to the laptop before taking this video. When unplugging the signal cable from the motor to the board it stopped. When I plugged it back it restarted to shake.

I unpowered everything, un-plugged and replugged everything, let everything rest for 1h, and re-powered, and it seems to be back to “normal”. But I’m wondering why it did that. I was not looking at it when it append and it made a big mess on my desk :rofl:



We’re here to help.

  1. Can you provide some celar photos of the electronics? We’d like to see the jumpers, and all connections to the board, as well as knowing (if you can write) which power supply goes to which pins
  2. Can you confirm that when power is removed, that the C-bracket connecting to the shoulder servo (the 805BB) is not hard to rotate (as in, if you pus it over, it will fall on its own rather than remain in position). Same for the elbow servo.
  3. Can you try the LSS (base servo) on its own to confirm that you have it working well in RC 360 mode? Also, does it rotate smoothly?
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