Sfr04 help messy connection


Okay so i busted the conection on my SFR04 and unlike some people out there i dont have the money to splash out or patcients to wait a week for another one to be delivered.


If you can connect power lins any where else on this board please somone help.






It is the end pin not the one with a piceof wire sticking out by the way.

darn :Sreally dunno how to

darn :S

really dunno how to get around that, cant you like wrap the wire through the hole and add just enough solder to connect it to the circuit?


You’ve got too much solder
You’ve got too much solder on the black wire, best thing to do is to try to clean those connections off with some solder wick(look it up on youtube to see how to use it). When you get that solder off, just tin the wires and do contact solder connections. Don’t add more solder to the sensor

**Thank you **
Thank’s the sensor shorted out and is permemntly bust now so i ordered a new one never mind hey trial and error. I know there is to much solder that was because its conecting pins negative and Mode 1 this is because the SRF04 will not operate with picaxe unless mode 1 is connected to ground so that was not a fult =]. I have ordered a SFR05 now so i shouldn’t have this isue anymore but thank you maybe you know how i could connect the wires to my new sensor as to not snap the wires this time.

** How about you solder some**


How about you solder some of those to the sensor and use these:




to solder the wires to, and connect/disconnect as needed, i've always done that, easy to mount/dismount in case you have to show how you assembled something etc, and for robots with removable parts those are just perfect ^^






ooo very nice pin headers right ? used in alot of electrical plug and play systems in a computer


used in everything, every PCB i have has at least two of those pins :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah haha

yeah :stuck_out_tongue: ive built a bot !!! by the way. All i need now is sensors but have the basic structure, ill have my sfr005 tomrow or the day after it depends on the weather because my package is stuck because of the snow here. Bummer hey !. Do you have any knoledge on circuitry if so i would like to build a IR range finder but the parts i have im not to sure if they are compatible, ill give you a brife explanation : Ok so i have two sets of TX & RX IR but they do not have 3 pins only 2 so yeah there it is lol.

Going back on topic i have used pin header’s before but i find them very difficult to solder ( im not very good at soldering anyway), so maybe you could give me some pointers.

thank’s again amado u have been an awsom help !!!.

Take a look at this node for

Take a look at this node for details on building an IR detector system from ‘discrete’ parts like the ones you seem to have. You can make a version that’s slightly simpler than what OddBot has posted, but it’s worth making one similar to his design for a first attempt.

You can also make a more complex IR ranger, using modulated signals, filtering, lensing optics and higher resolution ADCs, but you should start off easy =)

Here, i dont know if this is

Here, i dont know if this is called a range finder, it isnt analogic, you can connect it to a digital pin, so its less hassle,527.0.html&sl=pt&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8


It was translated from a portuguese website through google though, for what i’ve read so far it seems understandable, if you dont understand something i’ll translate it ‘the old fashion way’ :stuck_out_tongue:


it has a range of about 10-30 cm, depends on your IR led, the colour of what your trying to find(white reflects the most light, so white is very easily detected) the resistor your using(i didnt use a resistor, my led could withstand it)the datasheet usually tells you everything there is to know.


and whistl you’re testing it, keep your finger on the IR detector, if it heats up, disconnect it quickly!


good luck, these are really easy to make, and work just as well.

Richard “Cupid492”

Richard “Cupid492” Thomas: Please read the Rules

Thank you!!

wow thank’s
I love the amount of help people are giving to me its realy keeping my spirits up ( just got of a substance and this is the thing thats stoped me lol ) Robotics rules thanks i will check out the link thank you ever so much its much apriciated !!!.

**sorry **
sorry fritsl my best regards.

good on ya mate
Keep plugging away

**Thank you **
Thank’s man as i said in the privious message all this enthusiam is keeping me going =].