Hey guys, did you heard about the forecast that by 2050, we “human kind” will have sex and marriage with robots? Is it a crazy and exciting world we live in?:eek:
Personally, as a male gender, I can easily imagine in the future that some people will buy advanced “human like” robots with advanced “faking algorithms” in order to fill their animal impulses. What about me? What about you? For me, I will probably be too old; my heart will not follow… Or maybe I will be able to replace this old heart for a new “super performance robotic heart” and will enjoy the technology in his deepest way.
Are we talking about the merge of flesh and machine or sex with robots? I am a little bit confused. What do you think?
You can order your perfect woman right now at AI robotics. Hoax or reality? Personally, I think this is a hoax.
It as been a while since I post this question. Nothing changed for me, I am still 100% human, but I am seeing quick evolution in technology… Hey, we got more than 5000 views on this poll. I think the subject interests a lot of people, doesn’t it:p Don’t be shy and give your opinion. Technology is coming faster, bigger, better, smarter… Enjoy it!
I’ll take one cylon #6 to go. Pre-assembled please, but I’ll do the programming myself.
Koreans reveal first human-like female android.
I will name her “Suk Mi” and she will be my best friend!
Dear Abby:
I think my robotic wife is more attracted to my blender, toaster, microwave, AC wiring, car, television, hometheater system, computer, laptop, PDA, lamp, clock, wristwatch … than me.
I guess they just have more things in common.
Should I have gotten her to sign a pre-nup?
Can Dr. Phil help?
From: Lonely in Alaska

I think there will be some sort of sex with robots by 2050. However, I have difficulties believing that there will be marriage with robots. For sure, there will be people willing to do it, but laws will not be there. Most countries do not accept marriage of people from the same gender at the moment. Imagine with a robot! We are still far from there I think.
Hi 710mlCola,
I just want to say you are funny 
Google robof**k. Mostly ladies involved… I don’t mean to offend … robots are robots no matter what they do.
There are several like this. Still a long way from having high enough expectations that there would be disappointment if there is a headache or glitch.
To: Lonely in Alaska
You didn’t metion finding her sitting on the washing machine during spin cycle so I think she still luvs u.
Well… given future developments towards more sophistication, what would be the difference between a vibrator and a robot? It is mostly in the mind. That introduces the sci-fi concept of direct neural stimulation. Is that “EW!”?
The soft warm moist satisfaction component is missing unless loud grinding, hard red hot metal, and sparks are your thing. Though no performance anxiety i suppose with robots.
I’m fairly certain that there will be people having sex with robots long before 2050.
I’m also fairly certain that I once had a girlfriend who was already using these advanced “faking algorithms” you mentioned.
build a girl robot then implement a “flesh light” and voila !!! u have yourself a sex robot !!! check out “tripping the rift” a 3D cartoon show on teletoon where a sex robot’s voice, called Six, is played by Carmen Elektra !!! 
People who are despred ,plus its not hard to make a robot that will have sex with you!