Here is the servo =
I do this:
servo B.0, 150
pause 700
servo B.0, 75
pause 700
servo B.0, 225
puase 700
goto main
For some reason. the servo bounces back and forth between these positions without pauseing and then just moves to the far left, stops and jitters.Another servo has done this to me. It's either my program or servos just don't like me.
I just added a bigger capacitor like what voodoobot said.
I can only really suggest Devo at this point. Forget the servo problem entirely and go with the Devo. They really are under-rated, you know. They had that one song “Whip it” but there was so much more. I tell ya, this was the time of “B” sides for cryin’ out loud! So if you really search some of thier older stuff, I’m sure you will find something that works for you.
I’m a little rusty on Picaxe, but I’m pretty sure “B.0” is supposed to be the pin your servo is connected to, so it should be like “9” or whatever. If “B.0” is supposed to be a byte variable (I’m guessing this is the pin of your servo?) then it should be “B0” (drop the dot) and you need to say that “B0” is the pin your servo is connected to.
And I’m guessing you have the red wire hooked up to a 5 to 7 volt power supply, right?
Try to add a longer pause (1000) to the program and also make sure pause is spelled correctly in your prog(though I’m sure it will tell you when you try to upload it)
What are you running the picaxe from? Breadboard? If so, do you have the serin properly grounded?
Try adding a cap to the + and - where the servo is plugged in.