Setting up my new lab

Hey everybody!

I have finally started setting up my new lab after moving to Canada! Wow! Went to few shops today, got myself some tools, parts, and stuff! The only problem is that my table was not delivered yet, so, here is a photo of my "Temporary refugie" robotics lab :)

Update 27-Nov-2012

Here are more pictures of my lab in progress :) It was very nice that the room had a ledge all over perimeter, as I have a lot of stuff that has to be ureachable for my daughter :)


You wanted this, Lumi! Here is some work going on! :)

And... my dear bots, those who were chosen to go overseas with me :) LineIron Bot had a bad time during travel, but I have just tested my new hot glue gun on it, and it is now all brand new ))) Also in the picture urn with ashes of LadyBugBot which I just could not leave behind. I'm so sentimental about it :)

Few other of my robots disassembled and still packed for travel.

Unfortunately Mr. Wake's frame did not make it in one piece :( But probably I will be able to fix that if I'd like. One of his pinions is broken anyway, so I would not bother fixing the frame until I get the replacement pinion from somwhere... This frame was not the only thing damaged during the flight, I had some badly bent pins on my Pololu Trex Jr. comtroller, I hope there is no microcracks in the board or in one of the chips. I will find out soon about this...

And here is the guy I'm working on at the moment! I have a few ideas for him But will choose between them when I'm finished with chassis and brains :)

That is it so far, will keep you all posted! :)

Well isotope, it’s a long

Well isotope, it’s a long way from home to Canada. I hope everything is fine and you can take the colder climate there.

So far your lab looks very clean…c’mon, do some stuff, get dirty LOL

For sure I will :)Also it is

For sure I will :slight_smile:

Also it is not so clean actually :)) I’m planning to update this post with more pics )))

Looks nice your

Looks nice your place. 

Thanks for the update. I see that you are not lazy with building robots, even unpacked parts and already working on a new one, thumbs up :slight_smile:

Few! :slight_smile: I think it is pretty much complete

I can now call it complete I think :slight_smile: