Servo question

We are building a couple of gripper for a school project. What servo would be suitable for using in a gripper? We are going to use a servo saver for sure and we are looking for a quarter scale servo.

HS 5645 or HS 5685 ??? witch one is the best? they look almost identical.

If you want to use a normal gripper from Lynxmotion, we suggest the 5685 (which replaces the 5645). You really only need a 422.

Hitec servos vary based on:

  • Size
  • Motor used
  • Digital / analog
  • Gear ratio
  • Metal vs resin gears

The 5XXX series are digital sport. They vary in size, speed and torque. 56xx vs 57xx - not sure. We’ll see if Hitec can shed some light on this.

Hitec replied very quickly:

The codes at the end:
