Servo Offset's not saving

I have built myself a custom Hexapod using the BotBoardDuino and SSC32 as a control system for Digital servo’s.
The robot is functioning as expected,
And for reference i’m using the Arduino Sketch from the link on the LynxMotion site “Assembly guide for the Phoenix Hexapod.” … tboarduino

My issue is with servo calibration,
My Botboard and SSC32 setup is not using the offsets saved on the SSC32,

I have tried setting servo offsets with Flowbotics studio and the ssc32 servo sequencer.
I have tried setting the offsets via Serial connection using Arduino’s serial terminal and Kurt’s Serial Debugging options to set servo offset.
I can move servo’s and everything, i set offsets, i use “$” to end setting offsets and “Y” to save, it beeps, i power everything off and back on and it forgets the offsets…

If you have any advice it would be very helpful…
I have a lot of experience with C and C++ and i also have a good knowledge of electronics,
So far the only thing i can guess is that the BotBoardDuino is overriding the offsets stored in the SSC32,
or it’s not saving the offsets to EEPROM , (I noticed that in this version of phoenix code there is no " include <“EEPROM.h”> " <— Video link (I cant embed the video for some reason :frowning: )

For those who are interested in knowing,
I’m building a “Robot Scorpion” and adding in some inverse kinematics to handle the “Tail movement while walking” and a form of Direct Tail Control,
In the video you can see the 4Dof Tail i’ll be adding back on to the robot laying on the floor, it will go back on when i have successfully saved servo offset’s.

Had to fix formatting…


We recommend that you connect either to your SSC-32 directly with your computer or through the BotBoarduino (in SSC-32 forwarder mode) and then use the Lynxterm software on your computer.
To connect, ensure you are choosing the right COM port and baud rate. Once connected, set all servo motors to 1500 by pressing the “All=1500” button.
Then, simply go to the “Reg.” menu (button on the bottom left corner). Once in this menu, read the registers and then modify them one by one until all the legs are properly aligned.
Once the calibration is completed, write to the registers and read again to ensure all values were stored properly.

Let us know if this works for you.


Thank-You :smiley:
My hexapod is now correctly calibrated.
Using LynxTerm to read and write to the registers works perfectly.

We are glad to learn your issue is resolved.

Don’t be shy about posting videos of your robot, too! We are certain the community would be interested in seeing move around with this awesome 4 DoF tail!

If you wish to add a video from YouTube, simply add this in your post: the link here.
For example:
You can also have a look at your first post for another example (click the “edit” button to see the code). We fixed it so the video link is embedded now.


I should have some more video footage to share soon…

I’m just programming in some constraints for the body positioning,
I’m aiming to set better global maximum body translation, rotation and offset ranges so that i can influence more body control whilst walking without generating sub optimal gaits.