Servo Advice

Hello LMRers,

I've never used Servo's nor microcontrollers in any of my robot projects, always computers, dc continuous or steppers motors, and solenoids!

So, last Christmas Santa gave me an Arduino Duemilanove (I love Santa).

Now, I'd like to get some steppers.

I was wondering general advice, shops, prices, and other considerations of my nerdy bretherin

This seemed like pretty good prices ..

Using a computer

Meanwhile we’re all waiting for Grog to give us a walkthrough on using a computer.

Those servo prices seem like a screaming deal for the US. for the small ones, at least. For average or larger servos, an RC hobby shop is the place to go.

Digital vs RC
Also, I think there might be a difference between digital and rc servos, in that a microcontroller can’t move the former. But I could very well be wrong …

Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info Calculon320 ,

I assume the wisecrack was a wisecrack

use a computer
…i mean use a computer as a controller, not "use a computer". …