Trying my hand at making a computer interface for a PICAXE28x2. Plans are for it to send serial data through the programming cable and for that data to be interpreted and acted upon by the picaxe. To test how this serial communications works, i've set up the following code on the picaxe.
serrxd b0 if b0 = %00000001 then sertxd ("Recieved") end if
goto interface
the sertxd line i have tried with many different forms of feedback, and LED indicator if a message is recieved - nothing works:
In the terminal i have tried typing: 1, %00000001, and other such nonesense but fail to recieve the confirmation message.
I know the picaxe can send messages back with the sertxd command, this isn't a problem.
Try to change your program to this and see how it works: interface: serrxd b0 sertxd ("Recieved: ", b0, " and it’s ascii value is ", #b0, “.”, 13, 10) goto interface
The point is that when you send ‘1’ as text it’s ASCII value is 49. So in your case b0 would have value 49 (not 1 or %00000001). So your program would work as you want it to work if you change “if b0 = %00000001 then” to “if b0 = 49 then”. You might also want to add carriage return and new line characters (ASCII codes 13 and 10) after text “Received” like I have above.
Just remembered something. You can also use serrxd like this: interface: serrxd #b0 if b0 = %00000001 then sertxd (“Recieved”, 13, 10) end if
goto interface
Now “serrxd #b0” reads “decimal numbers into variables, rather than raw characters” (like manual 2 states). Just remember to send some other character than number after the number out want (so for example type “1” and enter to terminal output buffer before hitting send).