Serial Terminal help

I'm trying to work out something similar to what fritsl had with his "see what robot sees" post:

Every time i open the Serial terminal window i get gibberish:


what the serial terminal is displaying

kk+kk+CÒ†!BBBBBBþ+kk+k)+k)+k+kk+kBF$Bk)+k)+k+kk+kk+k)ÂFBBBRBFþkk+kk+k)+k)kk+kkÒ BRRRBBFBkk+k)+k)+k+kk+CâBbBR"BBBBþk)+k)kk+kk+k)+k)âBBBbR BFBþ)kk+kk+k)+k)+k+kCRBBBBþkk+k)+k)+k+kk+kkrBBrRBBBB+kk+k)+k)kk+kkâ†bRBBFBþkk+kk+k)+k)+k+kkr†bRRBBþ+k)kk+kk+k)+k)+kFBBBRBBFBBþ+kk+k)+k)+k+kk+kB BF$Bkk+k)+k)kk+kk+k)BBBBBR BBBBþ+k)+k)kk+kk+k)+k²FBB2RBBFBBþk)kk+kk+k)+k)+k)brRBþ)kk+kk+kk+k)+k)+C€aBBBBB"BBBBBBþ+k+kk+kk+k)+k)+k¢†"RBBBBBþ+k)+k)+k)kk+kk+kB„F BB+kk+kk+kk+k)+k)+CBBBBBBþ+k)kk+kk+kk+k)+k²CBBB"RBBBBBþk)kk+kk+k)+k)+k)b†bR BBBþ)+k+kk+kk+k)+k)+CB"BBBþk+k)+k)+k+kk+kk+CrBRBBBBþk+kk+k)+k)+k+kk+CrrBRBBBþk+kk+k)+k)+k)kk+CrrBRBBþ+kk+k)+k)+k)kk+kC‚aBRBBBBþkk+k)+k)+k+kk+kkâGBbRRBFþk+k)+k)kk+kk+kk+CòBBBBBBBBþ+k)+k)+k)kk+kk+kC‚GBBBBBþ+kk+kk+k)+k)kk+kC‚aRBBBþkk+k)+k)+k)kk+kkâGBbRBBBBþ)+k)+k)+k+kk+kk+CÂaBBBBRBBBBBþ+k)+k)+k+kk+kk+k‚GBBB"RBBBBBþ+kk+k)+k)+k)kk+kC‚aRBBBBþkk+k)+k)+k)kk+kkâGBbRBBBBþk+kk+k)+k)+k)kk+CâaBbBR"BBBBþ+k)+k)+k+kk+kk+k¢GBBB"RBBFBBþk+kk+k)+k)+k+kk+CâaBB"BBBBBþ+k)+k+kk+k)+k)+k¢GBBbRBBBBþk+kk+k)kk+kk+k)+C€aBBBBB"BBBþk)+k)kk+kk+k)+k)brRBþk)+k+kk+kk+k)+k)òBBrRBþ)+k+kk+kk+k)+k)kC€aBBBBBþkk+kk+k)+k)+k+kkòCBbRBþkk+kk+k)+k)kk+kkbCBrRRBBFBþ)+k)kk+kk+k)+k)kCRBBBBþ+kk+k)+k)+k+kk+kB”F k)+k+kk+kk+k)+k)âBBBbBR

/what the serial terminal is displaying


Any ideas on why i am seeing this and what i can do about it?




i think i fixed my own problem…


i had the baud rate set totally incorrectly.


for the record it works perfectly for me with a buad rate of 4800


I was going to suggest that the autobaud detection is not working properly. The reason is that I don’t usually get anything when the baud rate’s set incorrectly. That might be because I hide nonprinting characters, though.

What is it you’re up to?

what am i up to?

well i have my basic wall avoiding bot, which is fun and all, but i want to know more. I was using the serial output to see what kind of info my basic sharp IR range finder is kicking back. it works correctly now, and now i have a good idea of just how narrow the sight is on this particular sensor.

This si all terribly new to me and i’m not exactly sure where to go to from here. though i do have a speaker to get hooked up to my little tank bot ( as soon as i make it to the electroncis shop and buy the connector)

if only there was a simple and affordable targetting system i could put together. I’d love to have a bot that shot small bits at folks at my office.

debug also displays garbled data

I ran into this as well, but also noted that with debug statements you’ll get garbled data like the above mixed in with coherrent strings.

Seems to be use one or the other, not both.

Last note, a neat trick to view some of the data and have it graphed is to use the datalogger feature in the picaxe programmer. This works with adc values, not sure about the pinger though. maybe using word or formatting the ping output a specific way.


Serial out your data in a for loop and use the for loop variable as the first (counter) number

for b1 =1 to 100

sertxd (b1, “,”,bx) <–you’ll need to format this correctly


bx is the variable that you want to graph(I used a readadc output for this).

make sure you put a comma between the vars you want graphed.

Start the logging then turn on the picaxe. when done turn off the picaxe. This seems to be intended for a datalogger, with a trigger and stop button, but works fine witout one. I got this working this morning using a light sensor (LDR) and pulling the values through an adc in a 08m axe.