Serial Comunication with Arduino and XBee


Recently I got two XBee modules. And after some struggle with serial comunication I finally understand how to share data between two Arduinos.

As a start I used 2 potenciometers to control the intensity of two LEDs and it works pretty well. :]

I noticed some lack of information about serial and wireless comunication between Arduinos, so, here´s my code, I hope you find it usefull :slight_smile:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


int analogValue2, analogValue5, val2, val5;

void setup()
// start serial port at 19200 bps

void loop()
// read analog input
analogValue2 = analogRead(2);
analogValue5 = analogRead(5);

val2 = map(analogValue2, 0, 1023, 253, 0); // 254 and 255 for SYNC
val5 = map(analogValue5, 0, 1023, 253, 0);

Serial.print(254, BYTE); //SYNC char
Serial.print(val2, BYTE);

Serial.print(255, BYTE); //SYNC char
Serial.print(val5, BYTE);


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


byte incomingByte, sensor1, sensor2;

void setup() {

// start serial port at 19200 bps

pinMode (5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (6, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

if (Serial.available()) {
incomingByte =;


if ((int(incomingByte) == 254)) {
sensor1 =;
Serial.print(”Sensor 1 = “);

if ((int(incomingByte) == 255)) {
sensor2 =;
Serial.print(” Sensor 2 = “);

analogWrite (5, sensor1);
analogWrite (6, sensor2);

what type of zigbee is that

what type of zigbee is that

Really cool, good to see this example

Good building block, tip for XBee use. I’ve only had a chance to use them communicating between a PC and a microcontroller, had wanted to try micro to micro sometime.

Which breadboard adapter did you use? LadyAda? Those XBeePros you have can talk up to a mile, line of sight.


The XBee module I am using

The XBee module I am using is a XBee PRO 60mW Wire Antenna (802.15.4) [INM-0035]
and the breadboard adapter is the Ladyada XBee Adapter Kit, very easy to assemble and to use.

I find the remote control method very usefull to test one robot first movements. And instead of programming a motion sequence, you can test its motion capabilities in real time.

great, they’re the same

great, they’re the same component i ordered… looking forward to test them!

The code looks very easy… Did you used only two pins? (rx and tx)?

yep, I used only rx and tx

yep, I used only rx and tx pins.

great :slight_smile: it really looks
great :slight_smile: it really looks like they’re some very easy components to use… It explains why they’re so succesful :slight_smile:

they are very easy to use
they are very easy to use and full of capabilites… like you can connect basic sensors directly to the XBee and send their values to another specific XBee… you can have network meshes and even more complex network systems :slight_smile:

i´ve made un update on my
i´ve made un update on my blog regarding serial comunication WITH wires

Hi, I copied your code.

Hi, I copied your code. Looks very nice but I got one errormessage about the sender 

"error: ‘BYTE’ was not declared in this scope"

Should I declare BYTE as a char?

