I’m trying to find good complete examples (code) of reading a PEP s.s. or sequencer servo motion sequence and writing it out to the SCC32.
Over the last decade or so of playing with hexabots (UAV’s UWVs), this is one topic that seems to remain incomplete. Add to that perhaps my own added confusion swapping in/out different main compute nodes ( Arduino, Odroid, stamps, Raspberry Pi, Arbotix-M, c904, straight up 328’s etc, I still have a rough time formatting a proper regime for sending pre-configured sequences to the 18 servos of my latest bot.
I have a Trossen Hexapod (serial AX18 servos) running the Phoenix code and have had it running oem, Phoenix, and scratch coded executables. I have a highly modified (lots of 3D printed and custom CNC carbon fiber stuff) Freenove ‘Big Hex’ (645 style analog servos) running on a Pi that has it’s own I2C interface to PCA9685 servo drivers. (facial recognition, color tracking/follow on a pan/tilt head all running on the Pi)
What I’m finding is a major lack of software examples of actually reading in a prebuilt sequence and writing it out to an SCC32. Switching between SP1, I2C, softserial, USB is not an issue. I know for remotes, simply basing a redesign on the Phoenix_Input_PS2.h will get me routed remote control wise.
PROBLEM: PEP, the Flowbotics based SCC32 Sequencer and the like, all gen ‘angles’
EG: PhoenixLM01 2 3 4.978 -34.666 -16.745 14.643 -2.678 -0.727 12.345 33.655 25.89 4.978 -34.666 -16.745 14.643 -2.678 -0.727 12.345 33.655 25.89
HOW is this reformated into a string in the format the SCC32 takes
EG: # < ch > P < pw > S < spd > … # < ch > P < pw > S < spd > T < time >
I have never found code that handles this. For me, adding an external EEPROM to an Arduino, or simply files on the Raspberry Pi TF card can be read and dumped to the SCC32 via the TTL serial port the Botduino talks through.
The issue (and needed resolution) is a sequencer R/W that uses any of a number of just as fast as an EEPROM storage media of todays SoCs compared to that of a decade ago when all this was in fashion.
Anyone up to the task of posting a decent RPi file based R/W sequencer that can read the current PEP or SCC32 sequence built files?