Is there a simple way to separate the power? That is run the microcontroller with lipo and use the AA pack for the motors only.
Thanks, I dug up the schematic and it makes more sense now. For now, I will just go with the standard setup, since I’m still waiting on my back order stuff(encoders and the 6V motors).
I purchased the 2000mAh lipo but was just thinking about getting more power to the 6V motors later, but without loosing the benefit of the lipo. I will be adding more sensors and tweaking later so might just toss on the motor shield I have laying around once I’m ready to try splitting the power.
I’ll let you know if I have any luck or blow anything up
I have a couple of the 6V version motors already ordered, just waiting on them to come in stock, which I think is soon. I’ll look into the larger voltage lipo once I have the new motors in hand.
However, it would be cool to have a jumper to remove the power from the motor driver if we wanted(maybe something for version 2.5).
I purchased my 6V motors separately(which was a long wait on backorder) and there were no 7.4v Lipo when I ordered my v1.5 basic kit.
So I think adding these is a great idea, it will make getting started much easier.
I think I will pick up RB-Dfr-160 today, I wish I had noticed that when I placed an order this Tuesday.
Hmm… with the way the power is setup, it’s all connected. To do that you’d need a separate motor controller shield. Interesting idea though, except most people just want to use one battery pack, so we designed it that way.
You can upgrade the two DC motors to the 6V version and use a 7.4V LiPo (we dont carry any at this time which will fit that connector, but we
ll keep an eye out).
We certainly do listen to and take into consideration customer feedback. If you (or anyone else reading this post) have any other comments or suggestions as well, do not hesitate to tell us.
We are considering adding a pair of 6V motors and a 7.4v LiPo battery in the standard kit. This would make for a faster rover, and still keep the price below $100. We welcome your feedback.