Send your robot to Maker Faire

Can't make it to Maker Faire this year?

Maybe your robot can!

Last year, quite a few people sent their robots to me to be displayed at Maker Faire. They were a big hit! I even made up some shirts to thanks some of the folk that sent robots from far away.



This year, guibot and the great team over at sent me one of their Magabot tele-presence robots. It just arrived and it is really cool. I can't wait to get is all set up. Maybe some of you can come to Maker Faire via tele-presence. More on that later...


In the mean time, if you would like your robot to come to Maker Faire, even without you, please comment below or PM me quickly. There's still time, but the longer you wait, the less likely you'll be able to ship it to me on time!

I would like one of my robots to attend.

And I’ll probally come too.  =)


I really hope to see you

I really hope to see you there!

I will be there at the

I will be there at the Cognizant booth during certain times.

Are you coming to NY or some

Are you coming to NY or some other venue? It’d be great to meet you in person.

NY Maker Faire. :slight_smile:

NY Maker Faire. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Love to catch up

Awesome! Love to catch up with you. 

What’s your involvement in Cognizent?

I’ll send you my new one

I’ll send you my new one (should manage it to finish it end of this month :slight_smile:

lousy t-shirt!!!~lol~

hahaha that shirt is awesome!!!

That’s awesome, Markus. Are

That’s awesome, Markus. 

Are you talking about H.E.A.N.D.?

You too could be the proud

You too could be the proud owner of a shirt like this. Just send me a cool robot for Maker Faire. ; j

I could send you the TBT

I could send you the TBT if you like.
Representing the NETMF and 3D printing part of robot building :slight_smile:

Fantastic, Andrew :slight_smile:

Fantastic, Andrew :slight_smile: (Ignoblegnome)

Hi Andrew,No, it’s a new one

Hi Andrew,

No, it’s a new one I am working on since a while.

They gave me a scholarship

They gave me a scholarship and are now paying for me to go to Maker Faire. They will have a booth for kids with 3D printing, Arduino stuff, and 2D vector graphics.

Love that robot, Geir. You

Love that robot, Geir. You might not get it back! (Just kidding.) ; j

Actually if I pay for the materials, would you include an extra set of 3D printed parts for that robot? That’s assuming the extra weight does not increase the shipping cost much.

I can do you one better, IG…

It appears that I have found a sutiable box for my new aluminum Printrbot… It shall accompany me to the Great Maker Faire!

Seems to make sense that I simply print you one whilst we are there. Word to ya motha!

P.s. Geir, your stuff rocks. I printed your XY table and converted it for NEMA 23’s. I also did your PCB clamps on 6mm rods. Both flippin’ brilliant! I am trying to find a small case for the XY table, I hope to bring it with me as well. I am going to hook it up to a NunChuck so people can draw pictures.–I am just finishing up my super-post on the new printer, it should be up soon.



One day maybe printing will be so fast that instead of people shipping their robots to MakerFaire or other events, they’ll just have them replicated on the spot. ; j



Robot ready to ship

Hi Andrew,

My robot would be ready to ship if you like. Can you pm me the address?

I guess my wall transformer can not be used in the US (230 V~/50 Hz input). Do you have an according wall transformer to power the robot (min. 9 V/450 mA DC or AC output)?