Self Righting Balancing Robot

I bought a bunch of Dynamixel robotics servos a while back and decided to roll my own robot controller with wi-fi and bluetooth capabilities.
The current firmware allows for PID calibration via an embedded web server. This allows for tuning the PID parameters via a phone or a computer. The robot uses bonjour/mDNS to make its presence known on the network. Scanning the QR code on the display will open a web page, where the user can tune PID parameters and select to save them to non volatile storage on the board.

If the robot falls over, it will right itself and then attempt to rebalance itself.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Nice. What is the rpm of these servos? Makes my SBR look like a turd. But I have to try the self righting thing at some point. That looks like fun.

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The XL-320 servos run at a maximum of 114 rpm (no load)

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Hi @hansj66 ,

Thank you for sharing. This looks very professional :slight_smile:

I see that this was built some 2 years ago. What happen with this robot in the end? Did you continue your work on it?

I saw some other robots on your YouTube channel.

Thank you for sharing. This looks very professional
Thanks :slight_smile:

I haven’t done anything more with the balance bot after I got it working, but I have been tinkering with new revisions of the controller board.

I saw some other robots on your YouTube channel.

Lately, I have spent most of my time working on my hexapods and the pod “designer”/simulator. I wasn’t able to find any easy to use / generic tools out there, so I decided to roll my own After having had a few attempts at trying to get to grips with ROS, I concluded that it had to be an easier way to model and simulate pod walking robots, so I decided to roll my own :slight_smile:

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