Self-propelled Strandbeest

Strandbeest model carries own fan power on its back.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Clever idea. Not sure why not many people comment.

Yeah, it is entertaining. I really like Theo’s wind beasts. Putting the kit together was interesting as it really shows you how it all works together.

I have to say that I wondered what was a Strandbeest; thanks google! Really interesting! I always feel like I’m learning a piece of history with your projects since I can discover creators, artists, etc. First Shannon and now Jansen, thank you @demej00 :+1:

Thanks Mariane. You are always very supportive. Love watching all those feet moving on the Strandbeesty.

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I went solar, With a 5v solar panel, 4000uf capacitor, 6v motor with tiny gear and wire ties you can make one yourself. Hers’s a video: I’d show more pics but my grandson has it now.