Selecting different components for a A4WD

Hey All (but mostly directed towards management),

At the moment I’m looking at purchasing an AWD1 within the next week and I was hoping I could get some guidance on my order.

I essentially want to get the Aluminum 4WD1 Rover Kit but change the motors to GHM-16 so I can attach encoders to the outer shafts. Am I able to replace certain components in the Rover Kit or would my best approach be to buy the Chassis Only Kit and then purchase all the other components too (One of my concerns here is that I might accidentally not order some small interconnecting piece that could be included in the Rover Kit)?

Additionally, I was curious if the GHM-16 actually can be fitted to the Chassis Only Kit as it’s not mentioned in the “compatible motors” section of that page, however, it seems to have the same dimensions as the other motors.

Sorry if this isn’t the most appropriate page.

Thanks in advance,

Either way will work. If you would like to swap the motors, simply state what motor you would like to use instead (if the cost of the motor is the same.)

It will fit. It’s the same chassis that is used in the combo kits. I’ll make sure the page gets updated though.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

The GHM-16’s will work in the A4WD. We will update the website. If you click on more info for the items you will see, what’s included. We try to make it as clear as possible what is included.

Thanks for the prompt responses guys.

Another question on similar lines, how about if I wanted to replace the RC motor controller with the non-RC motor controller that costs $10 more.

I was reading through the following thread:
And two suggestions were made, either to specify that I want the non-RC MC in the comments or to add the non-RC MC into the basket. Either way I would be changing the value of the product and I’m not sure how the payment would work, as in if I just comment i want a different MC I would be underpaying $10 in my initial statement, however if I added in the non-RC MC my initial statement would be over by the amount of the RC controller in the kit.

Perhaps I should just order the chassis and add in all the kits, you are right that the specs are pretty clear, it’s just me being overly cautious. Still curious on the above though.
