Seeking wheel for a motorized thread spool

I am looking for a wheel that I can remove the tire from and end up with a good spool for thread. I want to make a polargraph type of plotter. This is the kind that has a weighted marker attached to two threads that are on two motorized spools above. As the two threads are let in/out you can control the position of the marker. I can’t attach an image, so here is a link to one design for this type of plotter.

Ideally, after the tire is removed, it would be perhaps 2" or 3" diameter, and have a lip around 1/4".

Any suggestions?


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Hi @cadcoke5,

Could maybe some of these products help you?

Thanks for the suggested products. Though, I may have lead you down the wrong road when I used the word “thread”, but should have used the word “cord”. Drapery cord is what I had in mind. The pulleys used for robotics tend to have very shallow grooves, and often the outside of the rubber belt is used like a tire tread.

But, I am re-evaluating those pulleys, since I see that the 1" diameter smooth hub pulley is designed for up to a 1/4" belt. That may have a large enough groove to hold my cord as it winds up.


Yes @cadcoke5. That one could work for you. You can buy it and try it and in case it doesn’t suit you, you can return it.