>>The 3kg class is pretty much a joke, with half a dozen robots that don’t work very well
I won first place in the 3kg with my sumo Rhino. Even there I had some software issue. The program is not perfect and the robot was underweight because of the lipo battery. There where no competition in the 3kg.
video of Rhino are here
In the master mini sumo there is a hell more competition!
**>>They changed the start rules this year, and the second place robot (Slicer), which wasn’t quite as flexible on the software front, got beat. **
That is true
I did not know they changed the rules. Even there, Seeker2 has more momentum when he hits me.
**>>Jerome and I did a bunch of tests afterwards, and it is probable that his robot would have won had we had to start the “old” way. Seeker 2 is a bulldozer, and once it goes head to head with anything else the match is over, but its still vulnerable from the side or back. **
Seeker2 is laking of side sensor. But hey, he was build 5 years ago!
>>I see that your robot doesn’t need any software to win (other than staying on the doyho). With good edge sensors and a random motion sensor, it is already better than 90% of the robots out there, so you will never really be able to tell that it is truely a better robot.
I have to agree with this comment. At the speed it will move, you could go blind like blackwidow and win. But here in Canada they are more then one robot moving fast. I will also have attack strategie. I really can’t wait to 2008!
Hey Pete, I love you book! One of the best robotics book I own! I truelly love it and still use it for reference. I would love to see some detail pictures of your robots and your wife stealth minisumo. I already seen some but I want more!
I even saw the one in servo magazine.
Is one 8.4V battery enough? Do you change it a lot?
This will be mine, I already have the mechanic all done, wheels are machined and I have already test drive this beast! I can push 30lbs! I order new motors to push less and be FAST FAST FAST!!!
The spec are top secret!
I am presently cleaning my desk ( after my room ) to clear my mind and work on my mini sumo. I have way to many project right now. One at the time!
It will also be a good time to upload other videos on youtube and a bunch of pictures! A other “to-do-list”!
good bye!