Searching for a motor to drive a prop

Hi there!

I’m looking for some help to identify the right motor for our application…

We build indoor mini-golf courses, and we’re looking to build some rotating props including a carousel, windmill, and roulette wheel.

I’m looking for a motor that can be fitted with a standard rubber wheel and positioned on the flat edge (usually the underside) of the prop to drive it. We’ve prototyped this well with a 12V DC motor and a speed controller, but I worry that the motor will degrade or fail because it’s designed for high speed rather than low speed/torque.

I’m hoping somebody here might be able to suggest an appropriate motor that will work well at low speeds and not stall while torqued up a bit?

All thoughts and suggestions welcome!

Many thanks in advance,


If you want a motor to drive a propeller, you’ll need to think about what kind of motor will work best for you. Brushless DC motors are commonly used because they are more efficient, easier to handle, and last longer than brushed motors. Stepper motors are also a good choice for uses that need precise control and accuracy. You will also need to think about the motor’s power level, which will tell you how much torque it can make. Lastly, you’ll need to think about how the motor can be mounted and how big it is to make sure it works in your application. Keeping these things in mind will help you find the right motor for your prop.