Scrolling Message on 8x8 LED Matrix

This may not look like 12 hours of work, but I reckon I spent appx 4 hours writing a little program to design the font, about 2 hours making the font, probably around an hour building the patchboard around the matrix, and maybe 6 hours getting the message to scroll smoothly. If anyone wants the font designer program (Windows PC only), PM me and I can send you an installer package.

I find that, particularly with the lowercase letters, there's too much space bwtween them, so the next plan is to make the font "proportional."


Gosh darnit, it is always good to see you, Mr. BOA.



CTC! Dawg! I’ve been watching your 3D printer, and stuff. Loved teh bike project, too! Where teh heck do you find the time?!?!

Any clues how I get the code to format correctly? Used to just put HTML CODE tags, but that doesn’t seem to work any more…

Sorry OB. I know you would rather I hadn’t posted this.

/* ****************************************************************************

I made this. Freely donated to the community. I take no responsibility for

harm caused by this program, but will happily accept credit for any good that

comes of it.


#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

// Pin configuration for Arduino Uno

const int runLamp = 13;

const int R8 = 12; // rows

const int R7 = 11;

const int R6 = 10;

const int R5 =  9;

const int R4 =  8;

const int R3 =  7;

const int R2 =  6;

const int R1 =  5;

const int C8 =  4; // columns

const int C7 =  3;

const int C6 =  2;

const int C5 = A5;

const int C4 = A4;

const int C3 = A3;

const int C2 = A2;

const int C1 = A1;

// Software Constants

const int rowPin[8] = {R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8};

const int colPin[8] = {C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8};

// Font

prog_uchar font[760] PROGMEM = {


























// Global Variables

boolean frame[8][8];

String msg = String(" BaseOverApex says “LETSMAKEROBOTS” ");

boolean runLampToggle = true;

int n; // index of the character within the string

int row; // index of a particular row of the font character

int col; // index of a particular column of the font character

int ch1, ch2; // ASCII value of current character - 32

word row16[8]; // all bis required for 2 charachers

void setup() {

for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {

pinMode(rowPin[i], OUTPUT);

pinMode(colPin[i], OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(colPin[i], HIGH);

digitalWrite(rowPin[i], LOW);


pinMode(runLamp, OUTPUT);

} // setup

void loop() {

for (n=0; n<msg.length()-1; n++) { // for each character in the string

digitalWrite(runLamp, runLampToggle);

runLampToggle = !runLampToggle;

// get current and next characters

ch1 = msg.charAt(n) - 32;

ch2 = msg.charAt(n + 1) - 32;

// compile array of 16-bit bytes corresponding to the bit patterns

// the current char and the next char

for (row=0; row<8; row++) {

row16[row] = pgm_read_byte_near(font + (ch1  8) + row)

+ (pgm_read_byte_near(font + (ch2  8) + row) << 8);


for (int scroll=0; scroll<8; scroll++) {

// for each of 8 columns, compile a byte representing the bit pattern

// for the column and transfer it into the frame buffer

for (col=0; col<8; col++) {

word mask = 1 << (col + scroll);

byte colByte = 0;

for (int row=0; row<8; row++) {

colByte += (1<<row) * (((row16[row] & mask) == 0) ? 0:1);


writeCol(col, colByte);

} // for col

// display it

for (int z=0; z<3; z++) {




} // for scroll

} // for n

} // loop

void writeCol (int col, byte data) {

byte mask = 1;

for (int row=0; row<8; row++) {

frame[col][row] = data & mask; // sel col bit on

mask = mask << 1;


} // writeCol

void refresh() {

for (int x=0; x<8; x++) {

digitalWrite(colPin[x],true); // column off

for (int y=0; y<8; y++) {

digitalWrite(rowPin[y],frame[x][y]); // row bit on


digitalWrite(colPin[x],false); // column on


digitalWrite(colPin[x],true); // column off


} // refresh

The code

Oh, the Arduino sketch…

See below.

like it!

like your project! good stuff.


Hi BaseOverApex,

That’s a cool project! no surprises it took so many hours just to display scrolling text considering i too did something similar a few days ago- . I instead used four shift registers to make a 8X24 LED matrix (the linked post is a little old as now i have further expanded it to 24 coloumns), one for the 8 rows and three for the 24 coloums.

I too had the same problem of the spaces between the charaters so i fixed the first byte of each character a ‘blank’ space and used the commonly used 7X5 LCD font so each char in my code is 7X6 . Some characters and symbols like I, 1, !, (, ), .  are less than 5 spaces long so they look a little strange. Here is my code-

video of the code running on a arduino-

Haven’t been around in a while

Forgot about that! Stone me, what alovely font. I think I wrote a font editor for that…

Great job! check % symbol

Great job!

Your % symbol is inverted. It should be …102,118,48,24,12,110,102,0… instead of …102,110,12,24,48,118,102,0…

