

Primary School Project Uses Scratch 1.4 and Python to control the GPIO pins as inputs or outputs The power supply is a 11.1v 850mah 20c Li-Poly into a power supply board which powers the IR Sensors and Motors The Motor control board has 12 5vdc outputs (6 pairs) and 3 i2c bus connectors the next stage is to add an i2c LCD screen and a BMP085 sensor then record the data

Basic obstacle avoidance

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x 5vdc Motors
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Raspberry Pi
  • Operating system: Rasbian
  • Power source: 11.1v Li-Poly
  • Programming language: Scratch Python
  • Sensors / input devices: Bluetooth, 3x Sharp IR, Wifi VNC
  • Target environment: Schools

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks like a good start.

Welcome to the party. :slight_smile:

I am voting for encoders as an addition. :slight_smile: Looked like Scratch1 had a killer arc going on over the long “straight” drive. :slight_smile:


Encoders are being programmed as we speak should be on by the end of the week

Tha ARC you can see is just the activity led on the power board all the GPIO pins have them

When I said arc,

I meant what looked to be a curved “straight” line drive. I did not mean electric discharge. :slight_smile:


I see my mistake would be one hell of an arc though :slight_smile: