
Posted on 26/01/2014 by edusupport
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  Primary School Project Uses Scratch 1.4 and Python to control the GPIO pins as inputs or outputs The power supply is a 11.1v 850mah 20c Li-Poly into a power supply board which powers the IR Sensors and Motors The Motor control board has 12 5vdc outputs (6 pairs) and 3 i2c bus connectors the next stage is to add an i2c LCD screen and a BMP085 sensor then record the data



Primary School Project Uses Scratch 1.4 and Python to control the GPIO pins as inputs or outputs The power supply is a 11.1v 850mah 20c Li-Poly into a power supply board which powers the IR Sensors and Motors The Motor control board has 12 5vdc outputs (6 pairs) and 3 i2c bus connectors the next stage is to add an i2c LCD screen and a BMP085 sensor then record the data

Basic obstacle avoidance

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x 5vdc Motors
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Raspberry Pi
  • Operating system: Rasbian
  • Power source: 11.1v Li-Poly
  • Programming language: Scratch Python
  • Sensors / input devices: Bluetooth, 3x Sharp IR, Wifi VNC
  • Target environment: Schools
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