I've been asked to do a small piece as a fund raiser for my Son's School - the idea is to make some small 'bots which will run around a course, either randomly then stop or round a fixed course for a random period of time (say 30 secs to 1 minute). I'd originally thought of bristle bots they're fun , quick to make and cheap - maybe 2 side by side linked "catamaran style". Ideally I'd work with the 10 yer olds to make them.
The idea is that they'll be used to select winners for a prize - pay fifty pence, if your bot stops on a prize winning square you get a prize!
Now's the question I'd throw out to all the electrical genii out there (and I know you are !) - what's the best way to set up either a random walk for a fixed period - or a walk for a random period.
If I go with a bristle bot it's got to be tiny and cheap - I'd wondered about replacing the battery with a capacitor, I could charge from a battery and it'd run till it ran out of Gas - would this work ? what size cap would give me 1.5 V for say 30 seconds ?? what are the rules for length of charging - I know nothing about caps. Anyone got any brilliant ideas for a compact under 10 gramme solution ?