This is my first robot called Sandwich-3000, which is basically a line follower robot. It was taken from the popular book "Robot Building for Beginners" by David Cook. I think is a good book to start with. Theory is explained in a very pleasant and easy to understand way. I made it with off-the-shelf parts only, and if you do not want to wander around different places looking for them, there is an online store at where you can find the kit with electronic components and a very well made PCB for a reasonable price. My robot does not need a programmable chip. Instead, it uses the LM393 dual comparator that makes him decide where to go.





For sensors, it uses two pairs of cadmium sulfide photo-resistors. To make the wheel coupler easier to work with and mold, I used a plastic tube and a pair of plastic standoffs instead of metal pieces as suggested in the book. It was a fun project that I finished a couple of years ago and I think it will appeal to those who want to begin this hobby.




A nice PCB







Line-following robot

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 GM2 Gear Motors, Flashing lights
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: One 9V battery
  • Sensors / input devices: cadmium-sulfide photoresistors
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


     Analog is a forgotton art and a good place to start. Looks waterproof and weather resistant for sure.  Electronics is old hat and easy for me. It is the programming that kicks my butt. lol  Nice video. Want to see a kick butt line follower? Check out   Pololu make a good cheap line follower. Fast and smart. Not expensive for what it does but expensive for a only 1 function robot. It is good to think outside the box.


thanks for your comment

Prettybird, thanks for your comment. I’ve been checking this site for some time now, and I think that is friendly and has very good projects. It’s been a long process beginning with set up my workshop as I did in three years, relearn the electronic terminology in another language, because I’m from Peru where we speak Spanish, and start with a very simple robot with which I can show to my kids the basic skills. Indeed, this was my first experience with robots. I finished it 19 months ago, and as you say, I also think it was a good start and now I still in the natural process of learnig and growing. Currently I am finishing my second robot (i will show some progress soon) I’m doing it based on PICAXE-28x1 and recycled parts. I think everyone of us should have the opportunity to show what we have done, and the rest, not just receive, but encourage and challenge the new members. In the task of learning, is so good to find on the way, good teachers who inspire others. And I think that is the spirit of this page. Thanks again Prettybird. By the way, the pololu robot is excellent!


I really appreciate you putting this on the site. This was my very first robot. I read the book. The book tells you more than how to build a linefollower, It gives you insperation on how to make more sophistacated ones. I really apprecaite this blast from my past.

**I agree with you **

Thanks Towlieboy78 , I agree with you about the book. I took the time to make a research of what book would help me get started in robotics. I went to libraries and bookstores, I search in internet in the most known online bookstores seeing reviews, etc… Finally I decided to buy the book by David Cook and I think it was a good desicion. With it, not only I made Sandwich, but also reminded me of the theory in an enjoyable way and it opened my mind to more. As you see in the video, my kids and I always enjoy a special time together with Sandwish.