Sanbot (S1 )Elf

Is there still a market for the Sanbot S1 Elf robot?

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Iv worked on these many years ago. Having some experience with operating them on stage and at corporate events i can say they’re quite fun.

However nearly every time i now see one i do think to myself… i cant believe these are still about. They kinda bore me to death.

Id designed a few addons for them as well like drink trays, holders on the arms to attach items etc. All really dependent on what clients wanted.

The programming and options are quite nice and made it perfect for what we did with them, however i am not sure there is much of a market left for them.

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Thanks for your reply. I thought as much as they are no longer supported. This seems a shame, as I have fifteen Sanbots to dispose of and most are brand new and have never been out of there boxes. Also, they are in the UK and Brexit makes it almost impossible to send them out of the UK.

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You should contact robotic hire sites and maybe you could strike a deal. Plenty of them in the UK. I used to work in Epping with a robot hire company and we had about 12 of them.
May i ask why you have so many?

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These are fairly big robots. Have you tried selling them?

Schools might try to hack them, so worst case, ask around to local high schools (tech dept and robotics clubs.) and universities (engineering)

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Hi, I want to try and sell them, but I am worried that if private individuals purchased them, they might come back to me if they cannot get them to work as seen on the original promotion videos that are still out there from 2015 -16. There are two currently on Ebay UK at £5000 each ( they have been on for a long time). Another was sold recently on Ebay ES for around 1200 -1500 euros . All were used. I am trying to assess there value. Too low will involve too much hassle ; to high will involve too much time.

You’ll need to clearly state that the manufacturer is no longer in business and as such, any online software needed is not available. These would be for DIY / hackers.