Just an FYI - The code up in the Lynxmotion github Quadrupeds project (github.com/Lynxmotion/Quadrupeds)is a zip file made from my github code base:
github.com/KurtE/Arduino_Phoeni … ad-Support
With a round of edits from Jeroen Janssen [aka Xan], to make it work better with the Lynxmotion SQ3U body.
I will soon integrate his functionality changes into my code base, although I may choose to do the functional changes in a different way as to make them more general purpose for the other quads and the like. As I do not have one of these Quads (I have a Lynxmotion Quad using the old body and a different leg style), I will not be able to test the configuration out, but will hopefully preserve it properly.
Note: As the Lynxmotion project is now only holding a zip file, you will not be able to track the changes from build to build, but hopefully it should not be difficult.
Also the layout of their Zip file is probably not optimal as Many of the libraries that are included do not pertain to their Quad on a Botboarduino. Also other folders should either not be in the library or should be a sub directory under the Phoenix folder to make them an example. In case anyone is interested, the directories in the zip file and state/used by is as follows (alphabetical order):
I2CEEProm - Unchanged - probably not needed. Is used in some of my other platforms to read and write to an eeprom I put on my shields
Phoenix - Main code base. Note, there are several sub-folders which are examples for different robots, that are built using the code base. Note: not all of them may work with this Quad version of code base.
Phoenix_Driver_AX12 - Not needed for Lynxmotion Quad, used for driving Bioloid servos. In particular used with Trossen PhantomX robots. Not updated yet for Xan’s quad changes
Phoenix_Driver_ServoEx - Won’t work for Botboarduino (Needs Arduino Mega)
Phoenix_Driver_SSC32 - (Changed)Needed - Servo driver that uses Lynxmotion SSC-32 to drive the servos
Phoenix_Input_Commander - (Unchanged)Input code that works with the Arbotix Commander (XBee) that is sold by Trossen Robtics.
Phoenix_Input_DIYXbee - (Unchanged)Input code that works with our DIY XBee remote control, for the few of us that have them
Phoenix_Input_PS2 - (Unchanged)Needed for the This kit.
Phoenix_Input_RC - (Unchanged) - Input Code that tries to take inputs from an RC controller (Hitec)
Phoenix_Input_Serial - (unchanged) - Input code that works with the old Lynxmotion Powerpod Serial test program - Maybe used by the BT version???
PS2X-Lib - Needed for PS2 version - Not in my Parts - I assume another copy of the PS2X project, that Lynxmotion also has in Github which is forked from Bill Porters original.
QuadC_PS2_SSC32 - Needed - BUT not a library. This should either go in the users main sketch folder or should go as a sub-folder under the Phoenix directory. Also should be renamed (both directory and .INO file), as it is not using the C legs and was modified to the new quad. When I merge I will rename and put as example. When user opens and wishes to make changes they will then be prompted to put it in their sketch folder…
QuadC_XBee_SSC32 - Like the PS2 version - except setup to use our DIY XBee…
Again hopefully soon I will merge these changes into my main code base. May be getting a PhantomX quad to test them on soon. So will give me reason to do so.