Hexapod multifunctional. Eligible 4 different programs running from the command of the television. Program 2 manual mode: Since the command can do to walk forward, backward, left and right. Program 4: Mode exploration / navigation. Program 6: Go to the most intense light beam. Program 8: demo mode. Executes all the moves he can do sequentially.
Glad you like it. Just take an infrared receiver (TSOP1738) connected to a 16F84A which manages signals and communicates with the host microcontroller 16F876A. The 16F84 also shows a seven-segment display the program is running at all times. AS head, I used an old computer mouse in which I have placed a SFR05 for navigation.
I like the 7-segment display on its head. That would be a nice feature to include in swarmbots, so you can easily display an ID number on a set of physically identical bots.
Thank you very much ignoblegnome. Glad you like it. The display indicates which is the program that runs each time the bot but, I take note for future projects your idea.