SAM-H Simulation Aminal Microcontroller - Hexapod

Posted on 26/09/2010 by becdanek
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hexapod multifunctional. Eligible 4 different programs running from the command of the television. Program 2 manual mode: Since the command can do to walk forward, backward, left and right. Program 4: Mode exploration / navigation. Program 6: Go to the most intense light beam.Program 8: demo mode.Executes all the moves he can do sequentially.  More info  and a software developed for the card will ...

SAM-H Simulation Aminal Microcontroller - Hexapod

Hexapod multifunctional. Eligible 4 different programs running from the command of the television.
Program 2 manual mode: Since the command can do to walk forward, backward, left and right.
Program 4: Mode exploration / navigation.
Program 6: Go to the most intense light beam.
Program 8: demo mode.
Executes all the moves he can do sequentially.

More info  and

Through a software developed for the card will JVMBOTS USB/RS232 servo controller can store in memory all the moves you want.


Greetings ;)



Walk, run, surf ultrasonic, go to the most intense point of light and executes all the moves that you can program sequentially

  • Actuators / output devices: 20 servos (18 for the legs and 2 for the head)
  • Control method: IR
  • CPU: PIC´s 16F876A(principal), 16F84A(IR), 18F4550(servos)
  • Power source: LIPO 11.1V 2300mA
  • Programming language: Mikrobasic
  • Sensors / input devices: SFR05, LDR´s, TSOP1738
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