For an A4WD1 rover: Does anyone have the connection between the Sabertooth 2X10 Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller and the Mini ABB running an Atom Pro 28?
(this is NOT the R/C motor controller, but rather the one with the cooling fins on the sides).
Later I had it hooked up to an SSC-32, with the Atom-Pro talking to the SSC-32. Now I am part way to having it controlled by a propeller. I made two servo type cables that plugged into S1 and S2 in RC connection photos (5.1).
I ran it in Mode 2 (RC Input mode). I may at some point try one of the serial input modes. In RC Mode, I had mixing mode turned on as I was controlling it with a Hitec Laser 6. I believe I have exponential mode turned off. I think I left switch 6 in R/C mode.
Can I run the Mini ABB off the motor batteries or is this a bad idea? I also understand the Sabertooth has a BEC. Is the BEC strong enough? (few milliamps) if it is, is it a wise choice to use it for ABB power though the Vs input?
Also, note on Steve’s block diagram that he only has one control connection between the ABB and the Sabertooth. Why?
Why on earth would you want to try and power the Bot Board II that has it’s own solid low dropout 500mA regulator with a BEC designed to provide just enough to power an RC receiver. I just don’t see any advantage, but I do see lots of opportunity for problems… Very bad idea.
Not sure, I haven’t seen it. But your own description calls it a block diagram. Not a schematic…
I didn’t know the BEC on the Scorpion motor controller is only for receivers. I thought it good enough for anything. Plus, it would seem like a way to avoid the requirement of an extra battery for the Bot Board. But now that I know I shouldn’t do this, I won’t.
Actually he shows a signal from P0 output AND a ground connection. Very important detail as omitting it would force the ground path for the signal back through the battery leads carrying the motor currents… not what you would call a low noise connection.
As to why he is only using 1 control signal, more than likely he is using the TTL serial mode for control.