Runt Rover (Whippersnapper) and Raspberry Pi

I’m using the Runt Rover Whippersnapper by Actobotics as a base for a 4 wheeled rover. I am basing the idea loosely on the Starwars MSE6 “Mouse” Droid so I’ll eventually put a body on it but I still need to get more functionality working.

I’m a bit confused with all the things I need to make it work well.

I have it moving backward and forward quite well but it isn’t turning well on carpet or on my deck, but it seems to turn “ok” on the laundry room floor.

Currently I’m using 4, 1.5 AA batteries to power the L298 Dual H-Bridge motor controller and controlling it with Raspberry Pi and my own Python code. The Raspberry Pi is powered by a 2000mA PowerBank.

I think a support guy at Actobotics suggested I need a motor/servo Pi Hat, but the one I bought from Robotshop was the Adafruit DC & Stepper Motor Pi Hat (RB-Ada-208) instead of the 16 Channel PWM servo controller (RB-Ada-207).

A rep from Adafruit support (Adafruit-support-bill) told me the first board will run 4 DC motors -OR- 2 Stepper motors, but no servos, and that the 16 Channel PWM board won’t control DC motors… unless they are powered by an ESC (electronic speed controller) that supports PWM signals.

So is the L298 an ESC?

Will I be able to get the DC motor controller to work or should I return it back to Robotshop and get the 16 Channel PWM board? I’m new to soldering, and I want to know for sure before I attempt to solder the header connector pins to the board. I have not opened the motor controller yet :smiley:

I’ve attached some photos and here is a link to a recent video - . Cheers!

-Rick and Rover

4WD rovers have trouble on carpet because the wheels are forced sideways when turning. There is less friction on a flat surface such as wood or ceramic. Changing motor controllers will not help this.
The L298 is a dual DC motor controller.