I have bought a RPLidar m8, All i want to do is to create a 2d point cloud to determine the GLS and to get the measurements
of buildings, interior only,
What software can read the RPLidar and save as a xyz or las file
I tried hector slam but i can’t seem to get it working
Any ideas and help will be appreciated
Good day
Thank you for the reply.
The software you sent the video on will work, but I’m struggling to find the setup file
to download, or is the a special way to get the software?
You should check that the .launch file is inside the launch folder that should be inside the rplidar_ros package. Could you send me the package repository for review please?
Are you connecting the lidar via USB to the computer? To find out which port you are using and then tell the script which port to listen to, check the following material.
After the whole day i managed to get to how it comes together
what i don’t get is to create a catkin work space and to clone the rplidar_ros-master file
so that ros can actually run it.
How do get the package repository?
I am connecting via usb,
sorry I’m new to this, I might ask some stupid questions.
Well, you’re in the right place then.
The first thing is to create the workspace, basically it’s a folder where you’ll store your whole project. Initially, you create the folder with a called “src”, inside it you will initialize all the others using “catkin_make”.
Once you have this ready you can add or create your own packages. These go inside the “src” folder. To clone repositories to your project, you position yourself inside “src” and use some command like “git clone https://github.com/Slamtec/rplidar_ros”. Once this is done, you must perform the “catkin_make” again. This is for ROS to find and relate your packages to your workspace. These packages probably require dependencies that you need to install.
Visit following Website for more details about RPLIDAR:
Please see attached screenshots of what i encounter.
I might miss something or I’m doing something wrong.
Do you maybe know if ubuntu is easier to use, but will it take the same amount of data to download ros on windows. Maybe it’ll be better to switch.
Of course, working with ROS at ubuntu will always be much better. As far as I can see you have an error in the directories, you should check the steps of creating folders (workspace). Try to follow these steps in ubuntu and tell me how you’re doing.
As I told you before, every time you add a package to the “src” folder, you need to go back to the main directory and run:
In this way, ROS will know where these packages are and you will be able to use them. Similarly, if you have permission problems working with the port, try the following:
Ok i got it working, can see points in rviz
But when trying to run slam i get the following error attached screenshot
It’s still a bit greek but getting there
Okay, let’s do some basic testing, the error says it’s not detecting your packages.
First, make sure you compile the whole project:
cd ~/catkin_ws
Then, pay attention to the way you write commands, you must use this command to locate nodes inside the packets and run them in the terminal:
Third, let’s check through a simple TAB whether ROS can detect the commands (don’t forget to source each terminal or add the command line to your ./.bashrc):
echo “source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash” >> ~/.bashrc (With this command you won’t have to place it on every terminal you open).
roslaunch hector_
Now press TAB TAB, if everything works, the terminal should complete the package name
roslaunch hector_slam_launch tut
Now press TAB TAB, if everything works, the terminal should fill in the name of the launcher automatically. Once it is complete, you can press ENTER and verify that everything runs normally.
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