Roverbot: Rover5 Chassis, Raspberry Pi B+, C programming with pthread pigpio libs

My first robot using Rover5 - roverbot!

Objective: Night timeshift photography... Analyzing plants, photo capturing for 3D modeling.. WIP

Components used:

  • Rover5 Chassis - 4 Motors, 4 Encoders feedback. 
  • Rover5 Track wheels 
  • 6 x Sony rechargeable AA 2200mAh batteries. 
  • Dagu 4 Channel DC Motor Controller with Encoder Support 
  • Pan and Tilt kit with 2 Servo9G Motors 
  • UltraSonic Distance Sensor (HC-SR04) 
  • Raspberry Pi B+ 
  • 802.11n USB Wifi Dongle Adapter 
  • Hewlett Packard Power pack 5v, 2A - 7500mAh (F4C88A)  
  • DVK512 - Raspberry Pi Model B+ Expansion/Evaluation Board, features various interfaces 
  •  - for LED's, Buttons, RTC 
  • 5MP NoIR Camera for Raspberry Pi 
  • Jumper Wires, mini Bread board & Custom plastic plate cover for Chassis 

Programming: c pthreads, on raspbian

This is my first robot, built using above mentioned components, in short Rover5 muscles, Raspberry Pi B+ Heart and C Brain!.
At present its just a obstacle avoiding with video streaming - Autonomous and Manual.
Under manual Rover Speed, Directions And Pan, Tilt controlled by remote terminal (pigpio libs & ncurses dashboard)
using Rpi_Cam For Video streaming, More info:
I will be uploading source code, videos and photos very soon ...

Working on: understanding encoder feedback & customizing circuit for Raspberry pi,
Let me know if any one needs more information, Suggestion and Critics most welcome.

Mahesh S Rao ([email protected])

@home on weekends

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Photos and Videos



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