thought this post was probably best suited in here, have a look and let me know what you think.
Looks good, do you have something specific you want it to do, or is it just for fun and learning?
well its going to form the start of a bigger project into robotic interaction, which i’m kinda dubbing AMIE (Automated Movement and Interaction Experiment).
Basically years ago my dad, who has done robotics before, has had a robot chassi in his loft, gathering dust, which he made with intentions to do this sort of thing. Its about the size of R2D2 off Starwars, made from aluminium.
I plan to take what is developed from smaller projects such as this to develop that platform. I’ll see if i can get some pic’s, if you interested.
Yep, sounds like fun, post the photos, we might be able to identify it for you.
I believe he made it himself but i’ll post some pics as soonasi can.