
New Rover11. Multiple sensors, 6 engines, rudders 6, 2 Arduino Mega, 2 video cameras Multiplexed Video 5.8GHz, 868MHz Data and we will expand ... With GPS, 3-axis compass, and much more. ..

All built reciclage Economic and materials ...

Project Moving forward step by step ... (Slowly).


Cool robot!

Looks like a cool project to build on. Nice platform. You will have plenty of room to add extra features in the future if you want to. Maybe you can add some solar panels?

Ese pensamiento, agregar 50W

That thought, add 50W solar panel in the future and an automated loading, and has disconnection distance (rc-control) of some systems, such as transmitters and cameras, for saving battery …

Amazing robot

This is a very nice plateform. What are your plans for the software? Are you going to do any computer vision work with the camera? Can’t wait to see where you take the project. 

Jajajaaja… inpaciencia!!! es bueno eso!!!

Voy despacio con el Proyecto … en toda España en la economia esta muy mal y hay  componentes que aún no puedo tenerlos … (motores de 5,5 rpm y 30Kgms / cmt, no hay presupuesto aún!), pero voy avanzando… ahora voy a empezar con el radiocontrol en un maletin… con su video y transceptores de datos… 

No tengo aún un trabajo para el, lo importante por ahora es que funcione bien… luego quiero que sea capaz de tomar datos de su entorno, temperaturas, humedad, distancias, muestras de agua, quizas de tierra y que pueda trabajar tambien en semiautomatico… 

Sus motores son servos MG de 15Kg… pero son muy rapidos y yo busco mas lentitud y mas fuerza… el gps y la brujula faltan por instalar… y un buen trabajo para el podia ser, tomar muestra en zonas donde nosotros no podemos entrar… gases, acidez y otras cosas…

Poco a poco sigo con el!!!

El programa se va creando sobre la marcha… Dos Arduinos Mega en el Rover y un Mega en el Radio control… 


I go slowly with the project … in Spain in the economy is very bad and there are components that I can not have them … (engine rpm and 30Kgms 5.5 / cmt, there is no budget yet!), But I advance … now I’ll start with the radio in a briefcase … with video and data transceivers …

I have still a job for, the important thing for now is to work well … then I want to be able to take data from their environment, temperature, humidity, distances, water samples, soil and maybe that can work well in Semiautomatic…

Their motors are servo 15Kg … MG but are very fast and I seek more slowly and more strength … GPS and compass install missing … and a good job for could be, to sample in areas where … we can not get gas, acidity and other things …

Gradually I continue with !!!

The program is being created on the fly … Two Arduinos Mega in the Rover and Mega Radio control …