
A small autonomous robot that wonders around. It's built out of parts I recieved for Christmas, such as a Rover 5 platform w/ driver board. 


Current Goal - Figure out Arduino reading encoders.

I finally got at least two motors working so far, my only problems now are that 1) I ran out of jumper wires, and 2) I ran out of ground pins on my Arduino (both of which keep me from hooking up the other two motors). So, needless to say, it looks like I will have to make another trip to Radioshack soon for some jumper wires and perfboard.

Here are some pics of the current progress:


BottomInside (1)Inside (2)


Hopefully I will be able to film a video of it rolling around soon.


  • Figure out how to attach driver board to Arduino. (DONE)
  • Write test code. (DONE)
  • Get robot rolling around. (DONE)
  • Add new chassis. (DONE)
  • Figure out Arduino reading encoders.
  • Mount LEDs and switches.
  • Attach some sensors. (HC-SR04?)
  • Some sort of low-level autonomy.

Roams around autonomously.

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 independent motors w/ encoders
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino UNO w/ Dagu 4-channel Motor Driver board
  • Power source: 5-9v for logic, 9v for motor driver board
  • Programming language: C Wiring/Assembly - Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: none so far
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at