making Rover using Faulhaber 24V BLDC and ATxmega128/256.
Wireless Communication using xbee.
Main host CPU running windows 7 with custom developing application in Visual C++ using serial port on laptop
connected furthur to Xbee tranceiver to communicate with robot CPU ATxmega256.
Using sqlite3 as embedded database to store robots position and motion algorithm.
More to come..
land rover, distance sensing , self path learner.
- Actuators / output devices: Faulhaber BLDC motors
- CPU: ATxmega256, 32 MHz, Main host CPU dual core running Windows 7 with customized application developed in Visual C++.
- Operating system: Windows 7
- Power source: 28.8V LiMH 2000mAH battery
- Programming language: C++, C
- Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, 2 SHARP IR Sensors 1 Accelerometer 1 Gyrometer
- Target environment: Land and in home
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