HI noobmuncher, we probably need more information to be able to help.
When you nothing seems to work, what exactly do you mean? Which program are you using? (4wd1auto.bas, 4wd1auto.bas) ? Were you able to compile it and download it? What does it do?
If you’re using the 4wd1auto.bas program you must have all the sensors conned to get proper operation. We have to reprogram our test bot to see what the effect is if the rear sensor is removed but with the code unaltered.
I agree with Kurt, we need a much better description of what problem you are having. Also are you able to get the test programs to work, found earlier in the tutorial?
I just confirmed with our test bot. If you have a sensor disconnected, the bot will always act as if that sensor were triggered, causing the robot to continue to accelerate, regardless of what the front two sensors see.
So, until you get your other sensor, you can comment out the if statement:if (ir_rear > 15) then
LSpeed = (LSpeed - ir_rear) min maxspeed ;if something is detected behind the robot, accelerates both sides
RSpeed = (RSpeed - ir_rear) min maxspeed
endifand it should work.
Okay sorry for not posting a better description and thank you for replying so quickly. By not working I mean that i am able to compile and upload the programs, everything power wise is working (the status lights on both the Bot Board 2 and Sabertooth are on) but nothing happens. When i load the 4WD1TST2.BAS program the 3 LED lights on the board light up and i hear the ascending notes on start up i am supposed to hear, when I click the buttons i hear the sound i am supposed to, but nothing happens. Mind you I have tried this program with one sensor hooked up and also with none, with the same results (lol probably because the program doesn’t use any sensors ha ha). So i am thinking that the problems atre probably one or more of the following:
Sabertooth settings
Wiring configuration
Sabertooths fried (hopefully not, because I read the manual prior to use and followed it carefully. Plus its brand new!)
As well my sabertooth settings (mind you this is a 5X2 possibly another problem i don’t know)
3 ON
4 ON
As well i am using these sensors here hvwtech.com/products_view.asp?ProductID=88 for when I finally use a program requiring sensors. i have gotten this type working previously… unfortunately I can’t remember what code i used, so if anyone has code that will work to test these please post it!
Also, just so everybody knows, my goal is to just get the sabertooth running and eventually have at the very least a WORKING (even if the program needs me to modify it) version of the Autonomous rover program.
So far it looks like your sensors are the same one as Lynxmotion sells: lynxmotion.com/Product.aspx?productID=260&CategoryID=8. The advantage of the lynxmotion one is the cable already has a servo connector on the end so you can simply plug it into the BB2.
The pictures were it bit blurry for me, so I can not say for sure if they are right or not.
As for Sabertooth settings, they may be wrong. If I look at the 2x5, I believe you have the non RC version. Looking at the manual: dimensionengineering.com/datasheets/Sabertooth2x5.pdf believe to be in RC mode you need: 1 down and 2 Up.
Switch 3 probably up for not having lithium shutoff.
Swtich 4 mixing mode: probably down for this program.
Switch 5 up for linear mode
Switch 6 Down? for microcontroller mode.
I may be wrong, but you might try playing with these.