I have a Rover on an arduino board and the computer doesn’t connect on it. The green is lit, but barely and flash on and off. I tried drivers and follow the flowchart for troubleshooting. Do you have any idea if it is a RMA ? robotshop.com/en/dfrobotsho … c-kit.html Thx G.
You should only need to connect the rover by USB to be able to program it and the LED issue is also worrying. Therefore, it does seem like your rover might be defective or have another electrical issue.
We recommend that you open a support ticket here. In your message, please include the following:
]Your order or invoice number/:m]
]One or more clear pictures of your setup (board, any electrical connections, etc.)/:m]
]Any steps that you have done for troubleshooting already (and the results)/:m]