I’m building a rover that uses 4 wheels tank drive style. Each side has two wheels that are chained together and is driven by one motor…
What im wondering is, what motor would you recommend for a 5lb robot?
I figure the batt.(s) will be no more than 2 lbs with everything else taking up the 3 lbs.
I like the tq rates on the planetary gear motors, but is there a downside to them? I think they say you have to take them to a dead stop before you reverse them?
I would like to use the “HUB-12” but I was wondering what wheels can I use that will fit the hub?
Besides the one on the lynx. site…
I would like to find a slimmer tire with a less aggressive tread, as the robot will be a dirt/indoor robot.
Our rovers are in that weight class but we use one motor per wheel. I would recommend the GHM-12 or 13. They have different gear reductions so you can choose slow with torque or fast with a little less torque.
There are not as efficient due to the multiple gear trains. Pretty much all gearhead manufacturers warn against instant reverse. Not all resellers actually post these warnings though.
There are probably lots more, but the RC truck people don’t tell you what size hub fits the rims, just what stupid truck they fit on…
The tires look aggressive, but there is an important thing to consider here. These tires are made from a very firm rubber. They have good traction outdoors, and they perform well on carpet or tile floors indoors. You may find a tire that looks less aggressive but it’s likely to be made from a much softer rubber. From experience these tires can have way too much traction on carpet. We didn’t just pick a tire fro our rovers by looks alone, but by trying many different types and styles. These performed the best by far. Just some things to consider.
Cool, this brings me to another question, looking at your rims link above, I noted that the rims are the front wheels. Is there a particular reason why you picked all front wheels to be used on the rover? Is there a difference from the front to the rear rims in relation to the rover? Can rear rims be used or combination of front/rear? Please clarify. Ty.